Welcome to "Broadcast" - my TV and Radio page. This is a miscellaneous mixture of bits and pieces to do with all things TV and radio.For the very best look at all the TV idents, visit....
# The Ident Gallery - Andrew Wood's excellent gallery site of TV idents http://www.theidentgallery.com
# Transdiffusion Broadcasting System http://www.transdiffusion.org/
# TV Ark http://www.tv-ark.org.uk/
# The TV Room http://www.thetvroom.com/
BBC TELEVISION CENTRE: The end of an era.
The last network
news on BBC1 is broadcast from Television Centre on 17th March 2013
The first network news on BBC1 is broadcast from the "new"
Broadcasting House on 18th March 2013
These frequencies correct as on 1st
July 2012To access the channels listed below, you will need to add them to the
"Other Channels" section of the Digibox "Services" menu.# Press the Services button and press the down arrow on the
remote to highlight SKY+ SETUP, then use
the right button or press 6 to get to ADD CHANNELS. On
non-Sky + receivers, after selecting "Services", simply press 4 twice.
# Press the down button so the frequency is highlighted and type in the frequency as given above. Press down again if you also need to change the polarity letter, Symbol Rate or FEC.
# Press the yellow button to get the list of channels being
broadcast by that transponder. Highlight the name and press the yellow button for all the ones you wish to add to your list (you can do more than one at a time).
# Pressing the Select button saves your choices; your selected channels will now be available under the OTHER CHANNELS option on the Services menu.
To get back to normal Sky programmes, press the normal channel number you want (eg 116 for BBC Four)
In the UK,all the BBC1 and BBC2 regions appear on Sky -
Channels 951 to 972. Outside the London area,
ITV1 London can be seen on Channel 973.
In the Republic of Ireland,BBC1 and 2 Northern Ireland appear on Sky Channels 214 and 215, RTÉ 1 and 2 appear on Sky Channels 101 and 102,With TV3 and TV4 on Sky Channels 103 and 104.
Transponders 41-68 from Astra 1N (UK) & 2F use Symbol Rate 22.0 & FEC 5/6
Note these transponders are tightly focussed on the British Isles and a larger dish will be required by viewers in continental Europe
41 10714H Channel 4 Six C4 regional variations (only difference is adverts)
41 10714H c4l Channel 4 as on EPG channel 104
42 10729V Channel 4 +1 Six C4 +1 regional variations (only difference is adverts)
42 10729V e4 E4, as on EPG channel 136
43 10744H RTE One 'This programme is not available' message in Great Britain - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland
43 10744H RTE TWO 'This programme is not available' message in Great Britain - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland
43 10744H TG4 'This programme is not available' message in Great Britain - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland
43 10744H TV3 'This programme is not available' - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland
43 10744H 9606 Blue screen
43 10744H RTE TWO HD 'This programme is not available' - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland
44 10758V ITV Four ITV regions: London, Granada, Anglia E & Central W
45 10773H ETV1 BBC1 London
45 10773H 6390 BBC interactive feed
45 10773H 6391 BBC1
46 10788V ETV5 BBC1 W Midlands
47 10803H ETV2 BBC1 Scotland
47 10803H BBC London BBC Radio London, only on the EPG in the London area.
48 10818V ETV6 BBC1 West
49 10832H ITV HD ITV HD region: London
49 10832H ITV Wales ITV region
49 10832H ITV Two ITV regions: West & Westcountry
49 10832H ITV +1 ITV +1 region: Anglia E
51 10862H 9012 Blue screen
53 10892H ITV Border ITV region
53 10892H ITV Four ITV regions: Tyne Tees, Meridian S, Meridian SE & Yorkshire W
53 10891H ITV +1 Three ITV +1 regions: Central W, Westcounty & London
54 10906V ITV ITV region: Channel
54 10906V STV Three STV sub-regions: north, west & east
54 10906V UTV UTV
54 10906V 10225 STV +1 (east)
54 10906V ITV +1 Two ITV +1 regions: Granada & Meridian S
57 10964H Channel 5 Five C5 regional variations (only difference is adverts)
59 10994H ITV Four ITV regions: Meridian N, Anglia W, Yorkshire E & Central SW
59 10994H ITV +1 ITV +1 region: Yorkshire W
59 10994H ITV HD ITV HD region: Granada
63 11053H ITV Two ITV regions: Central S & Central E
63 11053H ITV +1 Three ITV +1 regions: Wales, Tyne Tees & Westcountry
63 11053H 20780 ITV HD region: London
Astra 2A, 2B, 1N (Eur) and Eutelsat 28A - Use Symbol Rate 27.5 & FEC 2/3
C1U 11261H 3e 'Programme not available' message. Channel only available in Ireland.
C4L 11307V 50360 Blue screen
C4L 11307V 50361 Blue screen
C3U 11344H Sumo TV 'No signal' message. Channel formerly on the EPG.
C3U 11344H 535280 Showcase as on EPG channel 191
C4U 11344V N'toons Replay Blue screen. Channel formerly on the EPG.
C6L 11390V Babe Guide No Signal message. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
C5U 11427H Fashion One Test ahead of EPG launch. NB my receiver currently crashes whenever I scan this frequency.
C5U 11427H Radio Caroline Radio Caroline left the EPG but still available via manual tuning
D3S 11508H _4109 Blue screen
D3S 11508H _4110 Blue screen
D3S 11508H (sub b +1000) Blue screen
D7S 11585H 50660 Blue screen
D7S 11585H 50661 Blue screen
D9S 11623H 50882 CNBC as on EPG chanel 505
D9S 11623H 50889 Blue screen
D11S 11662H 51081 BET as on EPG channel 187
D11S 11662H 51082 BET +1 as on EPG channel 190
D11S 11662H 51083 ComedyCtral+1
D11S 11662H 51084 ComedyCentral
D11S 11662H 51085 ComedyCtral+1
D11S 11662H 51086 ComedyCtralX
D11S 11662H 51087 'No signal' message
D11S 11662H 51088 Nick Jr
D11S 11662H 51089 Nick Jr 2
D11S 11662H 51090 Nick Jr +1
D11S 11662H 51090 Nickelodeon
D12S 11681V Setanta Ireland 'Programme not available' message
D12S 11681V Setanta Sports1 'Programme not available' message
4 11778V 8010 Blue screen
7 11836H 4308 Channel upgrade screen
7 11836H 9006 Channel upgrade screen
10 11895V MTV Trax The Trax service otherwise available throught the red button on MTV
10 11895V Mti MTV One. Used for interactive service
17 12032H QVC Test QVC as on EPG ch 640
18 12051V Toonami I Boomerang as on EPG ch 603
18 12051V Cartoon l Cartoon Network as on EPG ch 601
21 12110H 1303 Blue screen
23 12148H SP News Sky Sports News as on EPG ch 405
23 12148H S1Test Channel upgrade screen
26 12207V SNR Sky News Radio
26 12207V 1441 Sky News audio feeds
26 12207V 1871 SOM Test Blue screen
26 12207V 8039 Sky News as on EPG channel 501/517
26 12207V 4624 Pick TV +1 as on EPG channel 153
26 12207V SNRNEW Audio feeds
26 12207V SNRNEWv Audio feeds
30 12285V Sky 1 ETV Slot1 Technical fault message
40 12480V Channel 4 etc C4 family of channels, Irish regional variations (not free to air)
F1L 12523H HiTV 'No signal' message. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
F1U 12560H 54072 Alibi as on EPG ch 229
F3L 12607H 55275 Test for TVC News, Nigeria
F3L 12607H Flirt TV 2 'No signal' message. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
F4L 12607V RTE R1 Extra Audio channel, silent. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
(Frequencies correct as on 24th March 2013, and is courtesy of http://www.wildsat.com )
# Press the down button so the frequency is highlighted and type in the frequency as given above. Press down again if you also need to change the polarity letter, Symbol Rate or FEC.
# Press the yellow button to get the list of channels being
broadcast by that transponder. Highlight the name and press the yellow button for all the ones you wish to add to your list (you can do more than one at a time).
# Pressing the Select button saves your choices; your selected channels will now be available under the OTHER CHANNELS option on the Services menu.
To get back to normal Sky programmes, press the normal channel number you want (eg 116 for BBC Four)
In the UK,all the BBC1 and BBC2 regions appear on Sky -
Channels 951 to 972. Outside the London area,
ITV1 London can be seen on Channel 973.
In the Republic of Ireland,BBC1 and 2 Northern Ireland appear on Sky Channels 214 and 215, RTÉ 1 and 2 appear on Sky Channels 101 and 102,With TV3 and TV4 on Sky Channels 103 and 104.
Transponders 41-68 from Astra 1N (UK) & 2F use Symbol Rate 22.0 & FEC 5/6
Note these transponders are tightly focussed on the British Isles and a larger dish will be required by viewers in continental Europe
41 10714H Channel 4 Six C4 regional variations (only difference is adverts)
41 10714H c4l Channel 4 as on EPG channel 104
42 10729V Channel 4 +1 Six C4 +1 regional variations (only difference is adverts)
42 10729V e4 E4, as on EPG channel 136
43 10744H RTE One 'This programme is not available' message in Great Britain - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland
43 10744H RTE TWO 'This programme is not available' message in Great Britain - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland
43 10744H TG4 'This programme is not available' message in Great Britain - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland and Northern Ireland
43 10744H TV3 'This programme is not available' - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland
43 10744H 9606 Blue screen
43 10744H RTE TWO HD 'This programme is not available' - channel only available to viewers in Rep of Ireland
44 10758V ITV Four ITV regions: London, Granada, Anglia E & Central W
45 10773H ETV1 BBC1 London
45 10773H 6390 BBC interactive feed
45 10773H 6391 BBC1
46 10788V ETV5 BBC1 W Midlands
47 10803H ETV2 BBC1 Scotland
47 10803H BBC London BBC Radio London, only on the EPG in the London area.
48 10818V ETV6 BBC1 West
49 10832H ITV HD ITV HD region: London
49 10832H ITV Wales ITV region
49 10832H ITV Two ITV regions: West & Westcountry
49 10832H ITV +1 ITV +1 region: Anglia E
51 10862H 9012 Blue screen
53 10892H ITV Border ITV region
53 10892H ITV Four ITV regions: Tyne Tees, Meridian S, Meridian SE & Yorkshire W
53 10891H ITV +1 Three ITV +1 regions: Central W, Westcounty & London
54 10906V ITV ITV region: Channel
54 10906V STV Three STV sub-regions: north, west & east
54 10906V UTV UTV
54 10906V 10225 STV +1 (east)
54 10906V ITV +1 Two ITV +1 regions: Granada & Meridian S
57 10964H Channel 5 Five C5 regional variations (only difference is adverts)
59 10994H ITV Four ITV regions: Meridian N, Anglia W, Yorkshire E & Central SW
59 10994H ITV +1 ITV +1 region: Yorkshire W
59 10994H ITV HD ITV HD region: Granada
63 11053H ITV Two ITV regions: Central S & Central E
63 11053H ITV +1 Three ITV +1 regions: Wales, Tyne Tees & Westcountry
63 11053H 20780 ITV HD region: London
Astra 2A, 2B, 1N (Eur) and Eutelsat 28A - Use Symbol Rate 27.5 & FEC 2/3
C1U 11261H 3e 'Programme not available' message. Channel only available in Ireland.
C4L 11307V 50360 Blue screen
C4L 11307V 50361 Blue screen
C3U 11344H Sumo TV 'No signal' message. Channel formerly on the EPG.
C3U 11344H 535280 Showcase as on EPG channel 191
C4U 11344V N'toons Replay Blue screen. Channel formerly on the EPG.
C6L 11390V Babe Guide No Signal message. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
C5U 11427H Fashion One Test ahead of EPG launch. NB my receiver currently crashes whenever I scan this frequency.
C5U 11427H Radio Caroline Radio Caroline left the EPG but still available via manual tuning
D3S 11508H _4109 Blue screen
D3S 11508H _4110 Blue screen
D3S 11508H (sub b +1000) Blue screen
D7S 11585H 50660 Blue screen
D7S 11585H 50661 Blue screen
D9S 11623H 50882 CNBC as on EPG chanel 505
D9S 11623H 50889 Blue screen
D11S 11662H 51081 BET as on EPG channel 187
D11S 11662H 51082 BET +1 as on EPG channel 190
D11S 11662H 51083 ComedyCtral+1
D11S 11662H 51084 ComedyCentral
D11S 11662H 51085 ComedyCtral+1
D11S 11662H 51086 ComedyCtralX
D11S 11662H 51087 'No signal' message
D11S 11662H 51088 Nick Jr
D11S 11662H 51089 Nick Jr 2
D11S 11662H 51090 Nick Jr +1
D11S 11662H 51090 Nickelodeon
D12S 11681V Setanta Ireland 'Programme not available' message
D12S 11681V Setanta Sports1 'Programme not available' message
4 11778V 8010 Blue screen
7 11836H 4308 Channel upgrade screen
7 11836H 9006 Channel upgrade screen
10 11895V MTV Trax The Trax service otherwise available throught the red button on MTV
10 11895V Mti MTV One. Used for interactive service
17 12032H QVC Test QVC as on EPG ch 640
18 12051V Toonami I Boomerang as on EPG ch 603
18 12051V Cartoon l Cartoon Network as on EPG ch 601
21 12110H 1303 Blue screen
23 12148H SP News Sky Sports News as on EPG ch 405
23 12148H S1Test Channel upgrade screen
26 12207V SNR Sky News Radio
26 12207V 1441 Sky News audio feeds
26 12207V 1871 SOM Test Blue screen
26 12207V 8039 Sky News as on EPG channel 501/517
26 12207V 4624 Pick TV +1 as on EPG channel 153
26 12207V SNRNEW Audio feeds
26 12207V SNRNEWv Audio feeds
30 12285V Sky 1 ETV Slot1 Technical fault message
40 12480V Channel 4 etc C4 family of channels, Irish regional variations (not free to air)
F1L 12523H HiTV 'No signal' message. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
F1U 12560H 54072 Alibi as on EPG ch 229
F3L 12607H 55275 Test for TVC News, Nigeria
F3L 12607H Flirt TV 2 'No signal' message. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
F4L 12607V RTE R1 Extra Audio channel, silent. Channel recently removed from the EPG.
(Frequencies correct as on 24th March 2013, and is courtesy of http://www.wildsat.com )
Can I recommend these excellent sites.....
# UK Free
http://www.ukfree.tv # TV Cream:
# Digital Spy:
http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ # Loads of news, info & chat can be found on......
(The official web site)
# The website of RTÉ Guide can be seen at
# This site shows items from Nick Gilbert's TV Times Collection:
# To find your a list of all the Independent Local Radio stations, click on:
# A complete list of all Independent Local Radio Stations can also be found here:
(Click on the map on the area of your choice).
# To find you local BBC radio station, click on:
# A lot of very useful information about digital radio in the UK here, including where you can find out about coverage in your area:
# Digital Radio Now - Your one stop guide to the digital radio world, can be found at:
# The BBCi guide to digital radio can be found at:
# UK Radio: A very good site, giving information & all the latest news about the Radio industry in the UK:
# North West Radio: This site gives you information about radio, not only in the North West, but across West Yorkshire, the North Midlands & North Wales:
# Frequency Finder UK and Ireland: Paul Groves' excellent site which provides details of all UK and Irish radio stations:
# On Mike Smith's excellent site, his Radio Stations and Memorabillia page can be seen at....
# Help receiving the BBC:
# Do you like DXing - listening to distant radio stations, typically from locations well outside their intended coverage area? Mark Hattam has created a very interesting site that gives you lots of information....
http://www.ukfree.tv # TV Cream:
# Digital Spy:
http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ # Loads of news, info & chat can be found on......
(The official web site)
# The website of RTÉ Guide can be seen at
# This site shows items from Nick Gilbert's TV Times Collection:
# To find your a list of all the Independent Local Radio stations, click on:
# A complete list of all Independent Local Radio Stations can also be found here:
(Click on the map on the area of your choice).
# To find you local BBC radio station, click on:
# A lot of very useful information about digital radio in the UK here, including where you can find out about coverage in your area:
# Digital Radio Now - Your one stop guide to the digital radio world, can be found at:
# The BBCi guide to digital radio can be found at:
# UK Radio: A very good site, giving information & all the latest news about the Radio industry in the UK:
# North West Radio: This site gives you information about radio, not only in the North West, but across West Yorkshire, the North Midlands & North Wales:
# Frequency Finder UK and Ireland: Paul Groves' excellent site which provides details of all UK and Irish radio stations:
# On Mike Smith's excellent site, his Radio Stations and Memorabillia page can be seen at....
# Help receiving the BBC:
# Do you like DXing - listening to distant radio stations, typically from locations well outside their intended coverage area? Mark Hattam has created a very interesting site that gives you lots of information....